EU Affairs

Strategic solutions for public corporations, private companies, state administration,
universities and R&D sector.

Who we are

Incorporated in 1996, EuroAtlantic is a multi-strategy consulting company covering Hungarian and international business development, EU funds, government relations, information consulting and research and analysis. EuroAtlantic operates offices in Budapest, Brussels and Bucharest. The company maintained an office in Israel for years, successfully strengthening Hungarian-Israeli business relations.

Market Segmentation

Public corporations

Private companies

Universities and research institutes

Governmental sector

EuroAtlantic in numbers:

27 years in operation at consulting

Presence in 4 countries

250+ satisfied clients

Our executives

dr. Aron Fellegi – Member of the Board

Businessman with a law degree. He has managed charges in the fields of public law and legislation both in research institutes and state administration. Tendering and public procurement business unit of EuroAtlantic was established in 2018 under his leadership. In 2022, he became the Member of the Board of EuroAtlantic Consulting and Investments Plc. In addition, he has been managing business development activities of the company’s Belgian subsidiary and Brussels office since February 2023. He has extensive experience in the field of direct European Union funds and tenders in Hungary.

Zsolt Komondi – Member of the Board

He has over 20 years of management experience in telecommunication, tolling, manufacturing, and investment (M&A) in CEE region. He played a key role in different M&A projects with a total transaction value of more than 2.5 billion USD. He is the former chief of staff for the Minister of National Development, then the Minister in charge of IMF negotiations. He is currently member of several business enterprises and the CEO of a fund management company. He holds an MBA from Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College and an MSc in Engineering Management from the University of Veszprém.

Attila Lerch – Member of the Board, CEO
Expert with an engineering degree who has begun his career as a scientific researcher, then worked for global information technology companies. He spent 14 years at Microsoft as a manager responsible for professional, PR, social and corporate relations.
In the public sector, he worked at Szerencsejáték Plc. firstly. He was the chairman of the supervisory board of the National Data Asset Management Agency.
He knows the technological sector most comprehensively but he has gained business experience in almost all sectors.

dr. Tamas Fellegi – Founder, Chairman of the Board

Businessman, educated in Hungary (JD) and the United States (Ph.D.). In addition to his business career, he is the former Minister of National Development of Hungary. He was responsible for EU funds, critical infrastructure, energy and information technology. He also served as a Special Government Commissioner for Hungarian- Chinese economic relations. He was Hungary’s Chief Negotiator with the IMF, the European Commission, and the European Central Bank. During Hungary’s EU presidency, he chaired several formations of EU ministers dealing with energy, climate, EU funds, and information technology. He is currently the President of the Supervisory Board at 4iG Group, Member of the Board at Paks2 Plc. and President of the Supervisory Board at MoMe University.

What we do

EuroAtlantic offers bespoke business development solutions and advises its clients on finding the right solutions and targets. It provides up-to-date, specific information and guides its clients through the current regulations.

It effectively helps its customers to obtain European Union funds and state subsidies, and contributes to the implementation of large projects with its project management services. EuroAtlantic effectively combines market knowledge with government experience and state relations.

EU Affairs

EU Affairs

Business and political consulting

Business and political consulting

Investment support

Investment consultancy

Investment support

EAC products

Featured industries
in which we help our clients



Defense industry

Research, development and innovation

Healthcare industry


You can be the subject of a strategic inflection point but you can also be the cause of one

Andy Grove

Global Presence

Contact us worldwide. All members of our network are glad to be of your assistance.

Budapest Polgár utca 8-10. Bldg. C, 1st Fl. Budapest, Hungary, H-1033 + 36 30 684 8079
Brussels Rue d'Arlon 25, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

Contact Us!

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

EuroAtlantic Consulting

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